Write Your
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Write Your
- …

Write Your Newsletter
...nobody does it better.So be Nobody, and write your newsletter.Being Nobody
In order to build your Tribe... your Circle... people need high quality 'food' from you.
They need your vision, your inner struggle to grow up, your Radically Responsible insights, and your Spaceholding.They thrive on learning the details of your journey, of how you go first. This is what a leader is... the one who goes first.
There are many platforms for sharing your enthusiasm or disgust, including FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
There is no platform to share your leadership except your Website with your monthly Newsletter.
One of the most frightening but unconscious fears about Writing Your Newsletter is the fear of being seen. (Can you feel that fear right now when you think about what it would mean to be seen? Perhaps you only feel 7% intensity of fear. But, if your fear is unconscious (because you are not aware that those sensations are fear happening in your body), and if you are afraid of fear (because your Point Of Origin is still located in the Old Thoughtmap of Feelings so you think 'fear is bad'), then, 7% unconscious fear is enough to prevent you from Writing Your Newsletter.
Your 7% fear makes becoming visible seem dangerous. Your mind tells you stories: If you stand out, stand up, take a stand... and then all of a sudden people's attention would go towards you because you have become SOMEBODY.
If you are SOMEBODY, then people will Judge you. People will Project onto you. People will direct Expectations at you. People will make Assumptions about you. People will dump their Prejudices upon you. People will React against you. People will fabricate Stories about you, and also Believe other people's stories about you. After all that, they will be jealous of you and take revenge on you.
If you are SOMEBODY then you automatically challenge the 'Powers That Be'. People 'in charge' see you and suddenly feel afraid of what you might become. People 'at the top' have unpleasant ways of dealing with 'people like you'.
You learned all these things unconsciously from your parents, who learned them unconsciously from their parents, and so on.
Modern culture citizens carry fears imprinted deeply into their nervous systems during the 700 years of Catholic Inquisitions and 300 years of Witch Burnings. Your ancestors who survived passed them on to you. One of the first things you learn as a child is to 'watch out for what the neighbors might think'. Be normal. Be traditional. Conform to standard behaviors. Do not stand out. Keep your head down or it will get cut off.
In subtle ways these fears are still running your life, preventing you from unfolding your talents, blocking you from being you and living your life. They stop you from Writing Your Newsletter.
Your Newsletter, if it is to serve others - if it is to be transformational for others - is not about you.
It is not about what you like, what you don't like, your opinions, your inner dialog, what you did, what you were too afraid to do, what you thought about whatever, what you think about what others are thinking or doing or not doing. Your Newsletter is not about your reactivity to other people's lack of reactivity. "Thank you for not reacting to my reactivity about you not being reactive." It is not about these things.
If you Write Your Newsletter about you, you will run out of ideas and stories in a few paragraphs or a few issues. It becomes boring to write about yourself because you already know these stories. Soon you let your Gremlin write your Newsletter in order to entertain or dazzle your friends.
And frankly, your friends are watching Netflix.
You cannot compete with Netflix for dazzle and whomp. You will lose any competition for people's attention if you try to compete against Netflix.
Perhaps you have thought, "What do I have to write about? My life is not as interesting as... Netflix. I have no examples to give of how I became a millionaire, how I lost thirty kilograms, how I dated Brad Pitt or Scarlet Johansson, how I battled the CIA's enemy and came out the winner. I do not have THE SOLUTION THAT WILL SAVE THE WORLD. I cannot coach people to modern-culture's definition of success. My life is not special. I am just a housewife... just a programmer... just a farmer... I have nothing extraordinary to say. Why should I write a Newsletter?"
After listening to such inner dialog for years, it can be a tremendous and shocking relief to discover that your Newsletter is not about you. You can forget about that altogether.
The purpose of your Newsletter is to feed your Circle.
What is the value of feeding and growing your Circle? Feeding your Circle builds a Gameworld through which your Bright Principles and your Archetypal Lineage can do their work in the world.
The world is asking you to write Your Newsletter.
You never know who might read your newsletter next...
It could be Ethiopian kids!
Write your newsletter for them.
Transforming Your Fears About Being Somebody
Your Newsletter has the power to inspire and empower other edgeworkers to write their own Newsletters. This creates a snowball of intelligent and evolutionary next-culture Circles igniting more Circles which ignite even more Circles of culture-shift possibilities. It creates a brighter future for humanity on planet Earth. Upgrading human thoughtware is perhaps the most valuable service you can provide for people today.
Accomplishing this Purpose starts with you regularly generating your own Newsletter - once a month at the least - and sending it out to your Circle. However, your subtle fears about becoming visible have been stopping you for a long time.
Are you ready for this to change?
There are two powerful ways to transform your fears of becoming visible.
One way is to create new clarity in yourself about what your Purpose is for Writing Your Newsletter. To actually embody the new Purpose you will need to go through the Self Surgery of Relocating Your Point Of Origin.
In the 'Relocating Your Point Of Origin' healing and initiatory process, you extract your Point Of Origin from being located in the life strategy that says something like, "Speaking out, becoming visible, or being Authentically me is dangerous. To survive I must be like the others and be quiet."
Then you replant your Point Of Origin deeply into an entirely different life strategy (set new context) that says something like, "I am here. You may have killed me before, but it did not work. I am back. I am done with playing small and invisible. It is time to live full out. Here I am."
This can make for a very interesting future that begins fresh in each next breath.
The second way to transform your fears of becoming visible goes like this: Every time a subtle emotion (such as fear, anger, sadness, or Mixed Emotions) arises in you - in this case, with regards to Writing Your Newsletter or 'speaking out' or 'writing' or 'becoming visible' - use that exact emotion as a Doorway to an Emotional Healing Process. In this way, your emotions can give you their gifts.
As soon as you feel an emotion for longer than three minutes, you can be sure that it is an Emotion and not a Feeling. Feelings come from the present moment. Emotions come from incomplete feelings in the past, or from external authority figures such as parents, society, religious belief systems, political rallies, or corporate brand-fidelity marketing programs. Emotions may also come from your Gremlin, that part of you serving Shadow Principles to assure your survival. (Read that as, "To assure you do not escape from your prison of ordinary habits.")
The instant you Notice that you are having an emotion, immediately connect with someone in one of your Teams (Possibility Team, Research Team, Practice Team, S.P.A.R.K. Experiment Team, Study Group, Women's Circle, Men's Circle, etc.).
Say, "Hello. I notice that I am having an emotional reaction. Would someone please hold space for me to go through an Emotional Healing Process."
Memorize that sentence.
Making use of a transformational Doorway can be that simple.
Usually, within a few minutes to half-an-hour of your request, one or two people from your Team will be online with you, accompanying you on the adventure of discovering what evolutionary step is ripe for the picking... and helping you pick it!
During each Emotional Healing Process Liquid State you become aware of something you were not aware that you were not aware of before.
Please remember: If there is no Liquid State, there is no change. Emotional Healing Processes cannot be done in your head!
Your new awareness permits you afterwards to make new decisions and to take unprecedented actions as you set out with a different way of relating with the world and its creatures.
Usually an Emotional Healing Process includes an unpredictable nonlinear jump where you discover hidden or suppressed inner strengths and potentials. These treasures are then yours for the rest of your life.
Each Emotional Healing Process is an authentic adventure, transporting you into a new and more dynamic future than you may ever have imagined possible.
Just remember, no one can go through an Emotional Healing Process for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from going through one.
Also remember, in this case, that your Emotional Healing Process is about more effectively Writing Your Newsletter.
Instructions for living a life:
Pay attention. Be Astonished. Write about it.- Mary Oliver
Sample Newsletter Event Flyers
Feed Your Circle
Your Circle is the people in the world who are hungry for the same things that you are hungry for.
No matter what your heart longs to encounter or understand, no matter what growth and healing inspires your activity, no matter the specifics of your transformational Path, there are other people who have similar longings.
Your Newsletter is about feeding those people.
But, how do you feed your people?
The answer is simple. Feed yourself.
If you feed yourself in your own Newsletter, you feed the others in your Circle.
How does this work? It is simple. Those people around the world who are hungry for the same things you are hungry for, will be fed at the feast you feed to yourself.
No, you will not already know what you need next. You can only check deeply into yourself and sense the questions churning there that need answered right now. What you need to discover NOW is what the other people also need to discover NOW. We live in morphogenetic fields of influence. We resonate with each other all across the planet. Your job is to dive more deeply than ever before into what you most want to dive into.
This is the practical application of WISE SELFISHNESS.
Write down how it goes and what you discover while feeding yourself exactly what you desire to explore, discover, investigate, and try out NOW. What feeds you will feed the others. You are a food provider for your Circle.
When others in your Circle experience being deeply fed from the nutrition you provide in your Newsletter, they will tell other like-minded people about your Newsletter, and your Circle will thrive.
When others in your Circle are fed to the gills, they will not be able avoid feeding others with their own Newsletter.
Your Circle people stealing your stuff is success for you!
It is success if people steal your stuff because your resources are unlimited. For this reason none of the material you create can be copyrighted. It does not belong to you. It belongs to the Creative Commons. Everything you create is copyleft, open code thoughtware. The way you got it is the way you give it away: (Creative Commons Attribute Share Alike 4.0 International License).
Try to escape from the 'American Copyright Lawyer Gremlin Thoughtware', thinking there is a scarcity of incredibly useful stuff. There is no scarcity. How can there be scarcity? Your sources are energetic, intelligent, transformational, very different from material resources such as the rare earth minerals needed to make batteries and phone chips.
Your resources are not precious 'because they are scarce'. Your resources are precious because they are Transformational. They work. People can experience the Transformational effects of your distinctions, thoughtmaps, tools and processes in their daily lives, work, and relationships. There is no top end to Transformation.
If it scares you to be the center of a thriving Circle, feeding other powerful edgeworkers with your monthly Newsletter... then go do your next Emotional Healing Processes.
If, after your Emotional Healing Process, you are still scared, then GOOD! This means you are alive. Face your fear directly and say, "Hello Fear. Welcome! What do you have for me?" Then write down in your Beep! Book exactly what your fear says. Then say, "Anything else about that right now, Fear?" After Fear has delivered its message, say, "Thank you Fear. You can go now. I will handle this and talk with you later."
Then YOU decide what to do about whatever Fear told you. Fear no longer gets to decide about your life. You do. Conscious Fear serves you as an ally with its energy and information, just like Conscious Anger, Conscious Sadness, and Conscious Joy do.
What is 'food' or 'nutrition' in a Newsletter? Here are some examples:
- Your own newly discovered distinction: how you discovered it, the experiments you did, and most importantly, how you are effectively applying this distinction in your daily life, with specific examples that readers can relate to. This is a Legend Making story.
- Links to offers from inspiring projects, such as: http://context.org, http://livingresilience.org, or https://designingforlife.org
- Links to collections of other inspiring projects, such as: http://ecovillage.org, http://startover.xyz, http://possibilitymanagers.org, or PM Global Online Offers Calendar.
- Photographs of people creating amazing experiences with each other (not children, not animals, not nature - these do not carry your personal responsibility, so then you force people into making up anthropomorphic fantasy worlds about what is going on and live in their fantasy worlds instead of making extraordinary experiments that create new possibility.)
- Attach a S.P.A.R.K. Experiment as a PDF file (see below for details).
- Invitations to your calendar of online or onsite WorkTalks, online or onsite WorkShops, Trainings, or invitations to participate with you in any of your other Experiments or Teams.
- Quote Photos that avoid saying "you should" or "we should" or "we must" and do not promote religious or political beliefs, etc. It is best if the quote delivers a new and empowering distinction, and provides a link to http://possibilitymanagement.org or to your own personal website for further information.
- Articles that YOU have written and published online.
- Be SURE to include your Website URL and email address or phone number in each Newsletter so that people can reach you with questions and ideas!
Newsletter Hints
Get used to making a lot of photographs. Try to avoid using canned photographs that someone else took.
Believe it or not your people can tell the difference. Canned photographs taste like SPAM.
Your people are not interested in something glossy that you download from the internet. They are interested in YOUR photographs.
True, using canned photographs does not put you at as much risk as sharing photos from your own camera. But your photos are taken through your perspective of what you sense as beautiful, interesting, important, funny, wild, strange, colorful, educational, etc.
Your photos are you.
Share this part of 'you' in your Newsletters. This gives other people the courage to share themselves also!
A distinction differentiates one specific thing or condition from another where before you could not make the differentiation.
Distinctions create Clarity. Clarity creates new Possibilities!
With each Newsletter you write, include as least one significant matrix-building DISTINCTION accompanied by EXPERIMENTS to try, such as are provided in:
- S.P.A.R.K.s (Specific Practical Applications of Radical Knowledge) written by Clinton Callahan. All existing S.P.A.R.K.s are available for free online through http://sparks.nextculture.org/ as PDF files for easy download. You can attach any of these S.P.A.R.K.s to your newsletter free for the taking. S.P.A.R.Ks are open code, and copyleft. In English there are already 210 S.P.A.R.K.s. If you send out one S.P.A.R.K. with your weekly Newsletter there are enough S.P.A.R.K.s for 4 years... If you send out one S.P.A.R.K. with each monthly Newsletter, then there are enough S.P.A.R.K.s for 15 years! ...and by then there will be another 200 S.P.A.R.K.s written! Share the S.P.A.R.K.s!
- The 122 WAYS TO CREATE ORDINARY RELATIONSHIP, extracted from the book Building Love That Lasts by Clinton Callahan. Share one of the way, and then invent 3 Experiments your readers could do to build skills for creating Extraordinary Relationship instead.
- Any of the 27 EXPERIMENTS TO CREATE EXTRAORDINARY LOVE, extracted from Radiant Joy Brilliant Love.
- The podcasts at Next Culture Radio. There are more and more to choose from, each one chock-filled with powerful Clarity and Distinctions including examples and stories.
- Any of the videos from the Next Culture YouTube Channel. Some are skits. Some are animations. Favorites include Mr. Ramesh, Mark Gungor, Midway Island, Harry and Samantha, and The Gremlin Song!
Send a link in Your Newsletter to your next Article.
What? You haven't written an Article lately?
Maybe you will have the courage and clarity to write an Article after doing the Experiments at Write Your Article website.
For samples of articles written by other Possibilitators, please check out:
- Nicola Nagel: https://www.viva-essenza.com/215/articles
- Anne-Chloé Destremau: https://medium.com/@annechlodestremau
- Patrizia Patz: https://patriziapatz.de/autorin
- Vera Franco: https://www.nextcultureradio.org/
- Clinton Callahan: https://medium.com/@clinton.nextculture
Or perhaps you would find one of their articles something of interest for your Circle to munch on.
Certain Books and Films provide distinctions and stories that build Possibilitator Matrix, Matrix to hold awarenesses needed by Possibilitators in action.Tell your readers enthusiastically about these films without giving away the plot of the film.If your people love your recommendations, they will be grateful to you for a long time!Be sure to tell your Circle that every recommended book they read and film they see Builds Matrix to hold more consciousness. If they register their Matrix Points at their free account at StartOver.xyz they help us build 1.000.000 new Matrix Points for upgrading human consciousness together!SEND INVITATIONS FOR COOL STUFF
Make clear and direct invitations in Your Newsletter for people to participate with you in your next adventure. This could be an invitation to your:
- Study Group: https://possibilitymanagement.org/doingit/#courses
- Possibility Team: http://possibilityteam.mystrikingly.com/
- Public WorkTalk: http://howtogiveaworktalk.mystrikingly.com/
- Public Workshop: http://howtogiveaworkshop.mystrikingly.com/
- Possibility Coaching sessions: http://possibilitycoaching.mystrikingly.com/
You could also make an invitation to:
- Join you in a Matrix-Building challenging Experiment you will do.
- Join you on a journey to the flea market searching for Archetypal Lineage Talismans.
- Join you on an adventure through the ancient sewer system tunnels under your city.
- Join you to explore the local 'antiquariat' bookstore searching for secret knowledge in ancient texts.
- Join you to research indigenous initiatory processes in a the cellars of the local cultural museum.
- Join you explore a Pakistani supermarket to find foods you never tried and cook a meal together.
- Join you to learn New England Style Country Dancing.
- Join you to visit Europa Park to ride the Silver Star and Blue Flame super-roller-coasters practicing moving your Energetic Center out in front of you fifteen meters so that the roller-coaster never catches up to your Center and it feels like it is going too slow...
Inviting experiments and adventures with others in your Circle multiplies your learning and the High Level Fun!
(Brückendorf Roller Coaster Centering Experiments at Europa Park, Germany)
Connecting With Resources
If you are going to write from 'not' you in your Newsletter, where does all the 'not you' valuable stuff come from?
Where can you harvest the 'food' to feed others?
Good questions.
It turns out that you can connect directly into inexhaustible inner and outer resources that modern culture knows nothing about.
We can easily name these inexhaustible resources here for you, but each time you actually connect with one of these resources by becoming the space through which they can do their work in the world, your life changes. Perhaps your life only changes a 'little bit', but 'little' changes at the core of your Being are the equivalent of being just a 'little bit pregnant' This is big stuff.
Would you have it any other way?
No one can connect into these inner or outer resources for you.
More interestingly, no one can stop you from connecting into them yourself.
- Your four purified or mixed Conscious Emotions: depression, aggression, reactivity, isolation, despair, revenge, melancholy, hysteria, jealousy, shame, guilt, envy, etc. Your Emotions are resources for healing things.
- Your four, low-intensity, Conscious Feelings: anger, sadness, fear, joy, discovered by Lowering Your Numbness Bar. Your Feelings are resources for handling things.
- Your four, high-intensity Conscious Feelings as Stellated Feelings Archetypes. Inside of yourself are four Feelings Archetypes (Queen / King, Warrioress / Warrior, Sorceress / Wizard, Lover) ready to initialize through the process of Stellating.
- Your Pearl. You can open and access your Pearl, located at the center of your Being, which contains a graphic message or instructions to yourself in three layers which you gave to yourself before your were born.
- Your conscious, initiated, and decontaminated adulthood Gremlin.
- Your upgraded thoughtware.
- Your own Authority, regarding money, identity, time, space.
- Your 3 Powers: Declaring, Choosing, and Asking.
- Journey Into The Earth.
- Your distilled Bright Principles.
- Your Archetypal Lineage.
- Your Teams in Circles, using Torus Technologies for unleashing group intelligence.
- S.P.A.R.K.s
- Asking for Possibility from other Possibilitators.
- The 9 Gaps.
- Your 13 Tools.
- Archetypal Love.
- The Muse.
Here is an additional astonishing possibility for you to consider trying: Live in Radical Reliance on your inner and outer resources.
What follows for you is to Experiment and Practice, both of which are done better with your Team.
Your Newsletter is a shadow of your life - a map of your path towards your potential. Sharing your map helps others recognize their map.
(Journey Into The Earth Experiment in the Austrian Alps that inspired Directing The Power of Conscious Feelings book.)
How to produce your first Newsletter:
Follow the exact instructions to Build Your Circle HERE on the 'Your Circle' website. When your circle on your EXCEL Sheet grows bigger than 100 people, you have created real necessity to Write Your Newsletter!
Follow the simple instructions for how to Make Your Website on the 'Make Your Website' website.
Your Website is a solid platform where your Circle can find out more about what you are creating, and also something credible and legitimate to show to their friends.
If, in your RESOURCES or ALLIANCES section of Your Website you a make a live link to: http://possibilitymanagement.org then we can link to your website from http://possibilitymanagers.org.
Please let us know!
BE SURE TO PUT A 'NEWSLETTER' BUTTON AT THE TOP OF YOUR WEBSITE so visitors can easily subscribe to Your Newsletter!
There are many free newsletter-sending platforms available to you online. We think the best platform is MailChimp (https://mailchimp.com) which allows you to send a Newsletter out to 2000 names per day for free, limited to 12,000 names per month.
Whichever platform you use, set up an account with your real name, professional email address, and professional physical address.
Upload your EXCEL spreadsheet of names and email addresses from your computer into your MailChimp account. Find the button and follow the instructions.
Create a Newsletter Format online at MailChimp for how you want your Newsletter to look.
Specify the header photo, title, sections, offers, links, and so on.
Make SURE that each of your Newsletters includes a live link to Your Website.
Make SURE your Newsletter gives the reader a link to click on at the top of the Newsletter for the option of reading your Newsletter online.
Make SURE you SAVE your Newsletter Format in your MailChimp account.
Make this connection online at your MailChimp account.
We HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you triple-check your links and dates before making that final click... A sloppy newsletter is a reflection of your attentiveness and care for your people. A newsletter is a reflection of your work with them. Be impeccable without driving yourself crazy.
Be SURE to make your photos into active links that jump to related websites or files.
And SURE to TEST every link!
Have courage! Push the SEND button!
This is time to CELEBRATE!
Post a link to each new Newsletter wherever you share positive transformational news.
Pause and take a deep breath!
Pat yourself on the back!
Go outside and walk a couple kilometers in the fresh air and sunshine! Listen to the birds celebrating!
Tell everyone you meet that you sent out your new Newsletter, and you will happily send it to them if they give you their email address.
WELL DONE! This is a joyous moment!
Exploring the Underworld in your Newsletter reveals distinctions that help your Circle navigate all spaces.
(Gaian Road Team sewer exploration Experiments under downtown San Diego, California)
You Are A Writer
Perhaps you have heard the ancient African saying, "If you can speak, you can sing. If you can walk, you can dance."
Here we add the part that was left off: "If you can hold a pencil, you can write."
Probably you went to school. If you went to school, you were taught to write. If you were taught to write then your main take-away is that you cannot write. You were graded in your writing. Only a few people got 'good grades' in writing. If everyone in class got good grades in writing, what would be the point of having a 'writing teacher'?
The Writing Teacher's JOB is to criticize and grade students' writing, usually 'on a bell curve', which means that an equal number of students are classified as 'horrible writers' on the left side of the curve, as are classified as 'excellent writers' on the right side of the curve. The insane concept that has not relationship to reality, but which is easy for the mind to understand and believe in, is that there should be a 'balance'. There should be an equal number of bad writers as 'good' writers.
Most people carry the scars of some teacher, somewhere, criticizing their writing, and have made the conclusive story about themselves, "I cannot write. I am a bad writer. If I write anything, I will be criticized again. I would be stupid to write anything." Is this you?
If you carry stories like these about yourself then you are still in school.
You did not exit the school paradigm... the school illness... the school mental and emotional prison system... You are still in school. Why are you still in school?
What if you Quit School?
Again, 'Conscious Rage Work', such as at online or onsite Rage Clubs - is an excellent and highly recommended remedy for the questionable commitment to staying in school. School is one of the 8 Prisons you will need to escape from to enter Authentic Adulthood, with a small HERE and a small NOW and a small YOU, where you have creative and transformational power natural to the human condition.Doing the Experiments below will help bridge you back into the real world, where, if you can hold a pencil, you can write.Singing, dancing, and writing are skills.Skills can improve through diligent practice.You can learn to help other people heal and transform through improving your skills at delivering Emotional Healing Processes.You can offer these possibilities to your Circle through your Newsletter.NEWSLETTER WRITING HINTS
- Do NOT give your people too much all at once. Far more is achieved by providing 'baby steps' - little bits consistently over time that readers can immediately experiment with or take action on.
- Do not offer your Circle anything that does not totally turn you on. (To actually feel 'turned on' and alive you may need to do Emotional Healing Processes during which time you learn to Lower Your Numbness Bar, and shift out of Verbal Reality into Experiential Reality.)
- (rephrasing #2 above) Do not include stuff in your newsletter that you thing you 'should' provide, or that the reader 'expects' should be there. These things would not come from 'you' and would make your newsletter inauthentic.
- Write about what you want to learn about, what you are exploring, what you long to experience... as a way of learning / exploring / experiencing it yourself.
- Imaging meeting with people in your Circle to experiment with them about the thingsin your together. Then do it!
- Sleep on your Newsletter overnight. Read it again the next morning. Keep the parts that send a shiver of joy or excitement down your spine. Delete the rest. Less is more.
- Make notes in your Beep! Book during the month. Collect photos, quotes, distinctions, and resources that inspire you to pass them on.
- Find a particular theme that describes the part of the Path you are on in these days. What is your next step, the step you are taking right now? Write about that!
- Look for contributions from E.C.C.O. (Earth Coincidence Control Office), those jewels that support your commitment to feeding your Circle with your Newsletter. Pass on these jewels to your Circle. This is a treasure that grows bigger by giving it away.
Sample Newsletter Quote Photos
Newsletter Experiments
Nobody can write Your Newsletter for you.
On the other hand, nobody can stop you from writing Your Newsletter.
Subscribe To ALL The Possibilitators' Newsletters and Read Them
Matrix Code WRITNEWS.01
Newsletters from other Possibilitators are some of the most inspiring emails you can receive each month.
Each Newsletter reminds you that you are part of a global Team, making courageous invitations to bring Radical Responsibility adventures into people's daily lives.
Should you subscribe to Newsletters in languages you do not understand? Portuguese? Hebrew? Polish? Spanish?
Definitely YES!
Why on Earth?
Because it is so inspiring to be connected to fellow edgeworkers around the world dedicated to upgrading Human Thoughtware, just like you!
Every newsletter is unique. Each has its own style, its own voice, and amazing graphics, all of it open code thoughtware! Copyleft!
Here is the current list of Possibilitator Newsletters that we know of with links where you can subscribe to them!
What do you get when you subscribe? Colorful exciting invitations which inspire you to send out your own adventurous invitations to others!
- Amanda Killen – Gaian Roots https://www.gaianroots.com/ (English)
- Anne-Chloé Destremau with Clinton Callahan - General Memetics https://generalmemetics.mystrikingly.com/#newsletter (English)
- Christine Dürschner https://christineduerschner.net/ueber-mich/ (German)
- Dagmar Thürnagel with Michael Hallinger – Aufbruch Trainings / Spielraum https://www.aufbruch-trainings.de/newsletter-signup/ (German)
- Dahlia Abramovic – 4 Körper Osteopathie https://4-koerper-osteopathie.de/newsletter (German)
- Dan Palmer – Design for Life https://designingforlife.com/subscribe/ (English)
- Dean Spillane Walker – Living Resilience https://livingresilience.net/ (English, scroll down)
- Dor Sharabi – Doorway 2 Possibility https://www.doorway2possibility.com/ (English / Hebrew, scroll down)
- Elyas Heyland – Akademie für Bewusstheit https://www.spirit-service.de/index.php/kontakt-allgemein/newsletter (German)
- Gabriela Heller https://en.gabriela-heller.com/ (French / English, scroll down)
- Jennifer Dominguez http://jennifer-dominguez.com/contact-us-3/# (Spanish / English, scroll down)
- Joana Cruz https://newwaysofbeing.mystrikingly.com/#contact (Portuguese / English)
- Joana Ribeiro http://joanaribeiro.mystrikingly.com/ (Portuguese, page down)
- Judith Kaiser and Gunnar Bäsmann https://ganzes-leben.de/kontakt/ (German)
- Julia Neumann – Life Is Now http://www.lifeisnow.de/en/about-me/ (English / German, page down)
- Julyan Davey https://julyandavey.com/ (English, scroll down)
- Katharina Kaifler https://katharinakaifler.de/#newsletter (German)
- Kathrin Düser https://www.nextculture.de/neu-newsletter (German)
- Kristina Lindahl & Markus Rost http://das-village.de/ (German, scroll down)
- Levi Harrison – Living Wild http://livingwild.nz/newsletter/ (English)
- Lisa Kuchenmeister https://lebeleichtigkeit.de/gratis/ (English / German)
- Luis Trindade https://www.luis-trindade.com/subscricao-de-newsletter/ (Portuguese / English)
- Manuela Stoerzer – The Walking Guru https://thewalkingguru.org/ (English, scroll down)
- Marietta Schürholz – Mutmacherei http://mutmacherei.org/newsletter/ (German)
- Martina-Riccarda Niklis – Oswords https://www.oswords.de/newsletter/ (German / English) also, Diving To The Point Interview Videos YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLn_x5G-nw-yoXuHjGD4_XA/
- Michael Poertner https://michaelpoertner.com/ with Michaela Kaiser – Möglichkeitenraum https://www.moeglichkeitenraum.de/kontakt-impressum (German, scroll down)
- Nicola Nagel – Viva Essenza https://www.viva-essenza.com/ (English / German)
- Nicole Hartley Bradford https://nicolehartleybradford.com/#newsletter (English)
- Patricio Diaz – Gestion de la Posibilidad https://www.gestiondelaposibilidad.org/#subscribe-right-now (Spanish / English)
- Patrizia Patz – Follow Your Calling / Gaia Is Hiring / Emotional Empowerment https://emotional-empowerment.de/kontakt (English / German)
- Possibility Management https://possibilitymanagement.org/news/ (website English/German, news English, scroll down)
- Sara Parisi - Spacio Sacro https://mailchi.mp/4879cf297ea2/social-network (website Italian/English, news Italian, scroll down)
- Scott East https://www.bridgestonextculture.com/ (English)
- Sophia-Magdalena Hoffman https://sophiamagdalenahofmann.mystrikingly.com/#newsletter (English / German)
- Stacia Karina Beazley https://www.staciakarina.com.au/1/feed (English)
- Vera Luisa Franco https://www.verafranco.org/newsletter (English)
- Yorgos Aenaos https://yorgosaenaos.mystrikingly.com/#sign-up (English)
After you have read one whole round of Newsletters from your fellow Possibilitators, please enter Matrix Code WRITNEWS.01 into your free account at StartOver.xyz.Write 3 Things You Want People To Know About You
Matrix Code WRITNEWS.02
In your Beep! Book, spend 20-30 undisturbed minutes writing on a page you title: 3 THINGS PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ME.
These can be any kinds of things that someone should know about you if they wanted to trust you because of your Radical Honesty. For example, you could tell a long-held secret, some unique talent you have that could help others, some moment of insight, something that you are deeply afraid of so that if someone wants to be closer with you they should avoid this, etc.
INSTEAD, put this paragraph into Your Website in the section ABOUT ME.
Now, in your next Newsletter, write about any of the Experiments you are currently doing, for example, in your Life Of Practice, or in your StartOver.xyz game Experiments, or your S.P.A.R.K. Experiment Team, or your Possibility Team, or any other kind of Team you are in.
After sending out your Team Experiments Newsletter, please register Matrix Code WRITNEWS.02 in your free StartOver.xyz account.
Write A The Worst Kind Of Terrible Newsletter You Can
Matrix Code WRITNEWS.03
Intentionally make as many 'errors' as you can in a short draft of your Newsletter. Basically, crash your Newsletter into a brick wall. Make it a Battle Royal!
Than take your crashed Newsletter to your next Possibility Team. Ask to innocently read aloud your 'Newsletter'. Then ask for radically honest Feedback about how the others perceive your present 'Newsletter', and ask for any distinctions or Coaching about precise suggestions they propose that you change to make your 'Newsletter' better next time.
Write down exactly everything they say into your Beep! Book on a page titled NEWSLETTER FEEDBACK. Then ask if they would give you their email addresses so that you can send out an improved version based on their Feedback and Coaching.
This will do 3 things:
- If you are brave enough to ask for Feedback and Coaching about a Newsletter that is so bad, then the others can also have the courage to write their own Newsletter. It could not possible be as 'bad' as yours.
- You will gain skill in asking for Feedback and Coaching from your Teams.
- You will be given new email addresses for your Circle!
After writing down the Feedback and Coaching about your 'Terrible Newsletter' from your Team, write your next Newsletter with hints how your people can possibly improve their Newsletter. Then please register Matrix Code WRITNEWS.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. Thank you!Journey Into The Earth To Discover The Theme And Contents Of Your Next Newsletter
Matrix Code WRITNEWS.04
Jump over to the Journey Into The Earth website and learn how to make a 'Journey Into The Earth'.
The Earth is there, all around you, with immense wisdom and resources for you to connect with. The Guardians and inhabitants tend to be clear and generous.
To Journey Into The Earth you must locate a Gateway. The website tells you how.
Once you find a Gateway, you will need an authentic question.
For the Journey Into The Earth for your Newsletter, we recommend saying to the Guardian of the Gateway: "Hello. My name is _____________. What is your name?"
As soon as they tell you their name, you say: "Hello (their name). Would you please take me to someone who can help me discover the theme and subject for my next Newsletter? I need food to feed my Circle of people."
Go on the Journey with them. Draw sketches of who and what you see. Write down the exact words of what everyone says to you. If something strikes you as important but they stop talking, say: "Could you please say more about that?"
Continue the Journey for 20-30 minutes.
Then say: "Thank you very much. I must go now. May I have your permission to return here if I ever need to?" Write down exactly what they say.
Then exit the Earth.
Go to your writing station. Sit down. Write your Newsletter from start to finish. Don't worry if this Newsletter is a little longer than usual. Every word will carry magic in it... special food for your Circle of people.
After publishing your Earth Journey Newsletter, please register Matrix Code WRITNEWS.04 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
Connect With A New Resource
Matrix Code WRITNEWS.05
You naturally have - both within yourself and outside of yourself - resources that modern culture knows nothing about.
Because modern culture has not built bridges you could cross over to connect with these resources, you have built internal barriers against connecting with them.
You may be unaware of your home-made barriers towards these resources.
Nobody can take those barriers down for you.
More interestingly, nobody can stop you from taking the barriers down yourself.
To be clear, connecting into one or more new inner or outer resources will change your world. Each resource opens up dimensions of possibilities that you cannot experience until the moment you 'jack in'. The surge of new perceptions, insights, perspectives, and raw energy may at first seem upsetting, even revolutionary. After that may come waves of anger for not having been informed or introduced to this resource before now, or painful sadness about so many years of lost possibilities and options. There may also be fear about what is really happening to you while jacking in, a few moments of wondering if this is real at all, or if you are somehow going crazy.
This Experiment is to get into a safe place such as your bed or a big couch, and have a rage tantrum (as in the 3-3-3 Exercise) with your eyes closed yelling out loud (pardon our French) "What the fucking hell! These are my resources and I want them back! I want them alive and serving me and others in my life!" and so on. Do not stop for 3 minutes yelling at the top of your lungs (even if you have to keep a towel in your mouth so the neighbors do not freak out and call the police - remember the Third Rule: Don't get arrested).
Keep your fists and legs flying until the joy of being outrageously consciously angry enough to take your resources back flows through all five of your bodies. Do this for 3 minutes, 3 times per week, for 3 months, and celebrate by registering Matrix Code WRITNEWS.05 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. It is worth 12 Matrix Points!
Become A Space Through Which Your Resources Can Write
Matrix Code WRITNEWS.06
If you write from your mind about what you think or what you know, the food that you can provide to your Circle of people is limited to intellectual body food. For the intellectual body, it is very nutritious.
But you have four additional bodies! And so do the people in your Circle. For the most part their other four bodies are starving. They were not fed by school, by society, by the media... They have been starving for a long time.
If you can provide food to people's other four bodies, they will be nourished in entirely new ways and will want to come back for more.
The purpose of this Experiment is to learn to Become A Space so that additional resources can provide food for all five bodies of the people in your Circle.
Becoming A Space is a skill of your Energetic Body. Becoming a Space is not about using your imagine. Do not try to imagine that you are becoming a Space. Then you will be in your mind and your imagination trying to imagine a fantasy. This is NOT it.
Instead, learn to use your Clicker and your ability to Declare changes and transformations in your Energetic Body. Learn to Declare yourself into a Space. Become a Space in one click of your Clicker. Practice this over and over.
How to detect if you are a Space? It is easy. A Space has no thoughts. A Space is Unhookable.
Practice in groups of three people in one of Your Teams to be able to speak as a space. One person is the Coach. One person asks extraordinary questions. Third person is the Possibilitator who clicks their Clicker, becomes a space, and practices speaking as a Space. This is similar to Speaking From The Unknown, except that when you speak from the Unknown, then only the Unknown can speak through you. When you speak as a Space, then other resources can speak through you, such as your Pearl, your Bright Principles, your Archetypal Lineage, your Real Voice, your Stand, your Radical Responsibility, your Conscious Fear, your Conscious Sadness, your space of Possibility, etc. Each person receives realtime Feedback and Coaching from their Team for 15 minutes, then rotate roles.
After you can speak from Being A Space, then immediately shift to writing as a Space. Do the same practice, but all write at the same time, in silence, although some sounds may leak out while you feel what you feel while your resources write. Afterwards, read what you wrote to each other without feedback or other comments.
Once you have read out loud what your resources have written for you, please register Matrix Code WRITNEWS.06 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
Do Dragon Writing For Your Newsletter
Matrix Code WRITNEWS.07
After doing each of the '3-3-3 Sessions' in Experiment WRITNEWS.05 above, write specifically what you are angry about from not being jacked-into your resources (your Voice, your Boundaries, your Clarity, your nonlinear Action Impulses, your Aliveness, your Vision, your Love Of Life, your Dragon, etc.) Name names, describe incidents, specifically write about opportunities that were missed, and feel your feelings and emotions while you write, out loud, while you write.
This Experiment is to include a short paragraph from each 3-3-3 Session in your monthly Newsletter (4 sessions per newsletter) for the next 3 Newsletters. The section could be called: The Dragon Speaks.
After the third Newsletter, register Matrix Code WRITNEWS.07 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. It is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Dragon Writing may become an exciting way to share your passion for discovering new facets of life with your Circle. Don't be surprised if some Dragons come roaring back at you. This can happen when you call together and feed a Circle Of Dragons.
Connect With The Muse To Inspire Your Newsletter
Matrix Code WRITNEWS.08
Figure out what a Muse is. You have heard the word before. What is she? Where is she? What will it take for her to talk to you?
She is not your muse. She is not amusing, or to provide amusement.
She is The Muse, the archetypal force of nature, a free spirit like Genius, but more sensually inspiring, more deeply inspiring. When you seduce her to welcome you into her world, your life will take on a new intensity of aliveness. You will experience new strength in your 'raison d'etre'.
The Muse website may help you get something going between you and The Muse.
This Experiment is to - without pre-meditation about your Newsletter contents - set aside a ten-minute session of sending praises and appreciation for experiencing the Presence of The Muse.
Use your mind's eye to see her actually sitting there across the room from you, waiting for you to nurture her soul with the lines of your Newsletter, as if you are inventing sonnets while masterfully playing the lute.
Here is the paradox:
You will not already know how to do this.
This will not happen if you do not do it.
How is the paradox resolved?
I don't know. It is a Mystery...
After you send out your first Newsletter with words flooding from The Muse, please register Matrix Code WRITNEWS.08 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
Take A Stand In Your Newsletter
Matrix Code WRITNEWS.09
Your Newsletter is a platform where you can keep expanding your groundlessness through standing your ground ever more elegantly.
What does this mean?
Think of the mighty willow tree.
It is not strength that keeps the willow tree from blowing over in a storm. It is her resilient flexibility, her elegant persistence without resistance. It is the way the willow's position evolves to receive and release each gust of wind. She lets the bluffs blow through her branches without losing her stand.
This can also be you.
Keep saying in new and different ways in each Newsletter who you are and what you are about. Remember: "You do not change things by fighting against the existing gameworlds. You change things by building new gameworlds that make the existing gameworlds irrelevant."
Help assure that no one in your Circle gets left behind playing in a stupid gameworld!
This can be your Stand.
How you express your Stand continuously evolves over time, each iteration more precisely matching what is wanted and needed by your Circle of readers so they can in reality join you collaboratively with the Stand they have become.
After writing your Declaration of Interdependence Newsletter, please register Matrix Code WRITNEWS.09 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. Thank you.
Empower Your Readers To Proceed On Their Quest
Matrix Code WRITNEWS.10
What if your Quest is to empower your Circle to proceed on their Quest?
You are a Quest Enhancer... a Quest Qualifier... a Quest Maker...
This would be a Winning Happening game (one of the 3 games).
It means that when you do whatever it take to make it so they win, you win.
...just like Dorothy Gale did with the lion, the scarecrow, and the tin woodsman in the Wizard Of Oz story.
( I should know. I was born in Kansas, just like Dorothy Gale...)
Some of your Circle you know better than others. Call one up. Interview them for a half hour or so. Find out how their Quest started. How they found the edge of modern culture, and learned that something exists beyond that edge.
Find out how they became an Edgeworker.
The tell their story in your Newsletter.
By empowering individuals in your Circle to publicly claim where they have come so far, the details of their gameworld, how they solved sticky problems, how others can get involved, you are being a Village Weaver, weaving the village into a more resilient community. This empowers all your readers.
After publishing your Quest Maker Newsletter, please register Matrix Code WRITNEWS.10 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. Thank you.
Dedicate A Newsletter To Appreciating Your Mother
Matrix Code WRITNEWS.11
In this Newsletter you appreciate your Mother's qualities of Being.
This is not about the things she has or the way she dresses.
Write about who she is, or who she was, as a person. Tell the stories of what she caused to happen out of her commitment to life. What are the legends about her Being alive? Her Being is so important to the origins of your own Being.
Being is so subtle, so complex and elegant.
You could appreciate someone's qualities of Being over and over, many times, and never appreciate the same thing twice.
This is a secret of evolutionary relationship and of archetypal love: Being is a Mystery, yet your Being can ongoingly be with the evolutions of another's Being.
The Being of a person is beyond understanding, yet everyone understands what is noticed and experienced in Being-To-Being connection.
Share your appreciation of your Mother's Being for no reason. Not for healing. Not for Mother's Day. Simply to notice and celebrate what you notice.
After you send out your Newsletter appreciating the qualities of your Mother's Being, please register Matrix Point WRITNEWS.11 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play, massively-multiplayer, online-and-offline, thoughtware-upgrade, matrix-building, personal-transformation, adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code WRITNEWS.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!
As you inspire yourself, you inspire others.
- Clinton Callahan